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It’s never too early to plan!

I’m heading out with a friend soon. We’re visiting Charleston, South Carolina. I can’t tell you how many hours I’ve spent planning, reading reviews, and sending emails. You can never over plan a big event!

Weavers and travelers do the same thing. Our 2025 conference is just over 14 months away, and I’m already being inundated with questions. What about booths? Prizes? Fashion shows? And the most important of all, “Will there be coffee?”

Yes. There will be coffee!

It will take time to work through all these questions; let’s start with guild booths!

In Yakima, our displays will all be located in the same ballroom. Remember that the Yakima Convention Center is all on one level. You won’t be hunting around to find things. Juried, Open, and Instructor shows will be housed together along with all of the guild booths. If your guild is chomping at the bit to get designing, now is the time. 

Pam Cox, our guild booth chair, tells me that her committee can’t wait to see how ANWG guilds use the convention theme “Weaving Webs: Inspiration, Information, Innovation” in designing their booths. The big news is that we have a private donation which will be the prize for the guild booth demonstrating the best use of theme. I’ll copy the theme explanation here: 

“The theme of our 2025 ANWG conference is “Weaving Webs,” which celebrates the two most important parts of the weaving journey – the cloth we create, and the relationships that develop in the course of our creative life.
We northwest weavers are so grateful for the gifts other weavers bring into our lives. As mentors, teachers, friends and guild members, we benefit from the personal, face-to-face interactions we experience. Alone, we cannot touch samples, feel drape, share ideas and solutions, or catch the tiny bits of humanity that are both inspirational and personal – the vital components that make our community what it is.”

Won’t it be fun to see what y’all create?

Our conference committee could still use some help with publicity and transportation. Let us know if these positions fit your passion. We’d love to hear from you!

Bette Nordberg. ANWG 2025 Co-Chair.