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Conference Committee

Here’s the committee for the 2025 Conference:

Conference Co-Chairs: Deborah Staehle, Bette Nordberg
Awards and Ribbons: Molly Gerhard
Blog: Bette Nordberg
Booth Signs: Pamela Cox
Conference Bags: TBD
Conference Booklets: Elaine Palmer
Conference Secretary: Erica Tiedemann, Wilma Boyd
Conference Treasurer: Angelique Penaflor
Education Chair: Patrice Riordan
Events and Activities: TBD
Fashion Show: Mimi Anderson, Marise Person
Guild Liaison: Pamela Cox
Instructor Show: Marilyn Romatka
Juried Show: Whidbey Weavers Guild, Kathy Crone
Nametags: Whatcom Weavers Guild
Open Show: Whidbey Weavers Guild, Kathy Crone
Publicity: TBD
Registration Co-Chairs: Linda Shaw, Ann Nez
Signs: TBD
Social Media: Jan Smiley
Towel Exchange: Ilze Tomsevic
Transportation Coordinator: TBD
Vendor Co-Chairs: Kasteyl Lukes
Volunteer Coordinator: Kathy Miner, Linda Stryker
Weavealong: Kasteyl Lukes, Greta Holmstrom
Website Admin: Dan Steves