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Good Teachers Sought

Back when T-rex roamed the earth, I had the most remarkable English teacher. Eleanor Pieschell loved her students, and her dedication to our creative writing led—in a round-about way—to a statement made by my college English professor some ten years later. I’d told him I wanted to become a Physical Therapist (which I did, by the way). He told me, “That will be the biggest mistake of your life. You should become a writer.” Between the two of them, and another twenty years of life, I did take my writing more seriously and seventeen books later, here I am. 

Such is the power of a great teacher. Information. Techniques. Tools. Yes—all of those. But inspiration too. A great teacher has the remarkable ability to spark something in you that might never happen otherwise. Somehow, in their eyes, you see potential in yourself. 

I’ll bet you’ve had teachers like that in your life too! Those are the kinds of instructors we are seeking for the ANWG 2025 Conference. Teachers with tools and techniques, yes, but also teachers who have that something special that sparks inspiration in students. Maybe you’ve experienced a fiber arts teacher like that? 

We’re asking you to reach out to your favorite teachers. Let them know that ANWG is looking for them to teach at our 2025 conference in Yakima, WA. Our deadline for applications is April 11, 2024, and we’d love your help. 

Here on the website, you’ll find a whole section dedicated to the “Call for Instructors.” (It’s under the education tab) There you’ll find everything an instructor might need to apply for the job. There is a page dedicated to information (dates, remuneration, application emails etc.), as well as the class proposals and teacher applications. 

Patrice Riordan, our education chair, can help with any additional questions. Contact her via

In the meantime, if you think of it, thank a teacher! See you in Yakima!

Bette Nordberg, ANWG 2025 Co-chair