Do the terms “block design” and “profile draft” bewilder you? Are you interested in developing new patterns and pushing your loom to new limits? Whether you have a four-shaft loom and want to expand its potential or want to better understand what to do with all those shafts, then this workshop is for you! Through presentation, discussion, and exercises, you will develop a practical understanding of blocks, profile drafts, and how to use them to create new exciting drafts. You will also examine the fundamental building blocks of many weave structures, including tied weaves, lace weaves, overshot, and Crackle, and how they can be manipulated into new designs and open up an unlimited number of new possibilities. You will even explore how to build your own block.
Instructor: Robyn Spady
Duration: 1 day
When: Thursday
Level: Intermediate to Advanced (and adventure-seeking beginners)
Categories: Weaving
Supplies that students will bring: Note taking materials
Material Fee: $10
Materials Included: The materials fee covers a 90+ page spiral-bound notebook printed in color.