For the first time, ANWG would like to offer brand new weavers an opportunity to start weaving – with Marjy Fiddler and her team providing the instructions, looms, tools, and fibers. We will do this in four three-hour sessions. You will learn to wind a warp, warp a loom, weave several structures, and cut-off – with instructions for finishing.
Class will start Thursday afternoon, and continue Friday morning, Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. Students need to commit to all four sessions. All but note-taking supplies and a scissors will be provided, although we’ll send a list to those enrolled for optional items to bring if easily available.
Why are we doing this? Weavers want more weavers in the world!
Students for this class must be nominated by an ANWG guild member.
Information about the nomination process can be found at
Learn to Weave! — The Details
Instructor: Marjy Fiddler
When: Thursday – Saturday (Session 1 – Thursday PM, Session 2 – Friday AM, Session 3 – Friday PM, Session 4 – Saturday AM)
Duration: 4 sessions
When: Thursday – Saturday
Level: This class is sponsored by ANWG for new weavers.
Categories: Weaving
Supplies that students will bring:
- Note taking materials
- Scissors
Material Fee: $0
Materials Included: All but note taking materials and scissors.