Students will use supplementary heddles for pick-up pattern design in Inkle Weaving to work the Stellar Weave technique. This technique is not reversible. It provides only a very subdued image of the weaving on the wrong side of the band.
Instructor: Leslie Verts
Duration: 1 day
When: Thursday
Level: Advanced
Categories: Inkle Band Weaving
Supplies that students will bring:
- A functioning inkle loom with a tension bar and shuttle. A mini-Inkle Loom will NOT be sufficient.
- 3 colors (white with a dark color (black, and dark brown, blue, red, or purple) and a bright contrast color) of 5/2 cotton thread.
Material Fee: $10
Materials Included: The material fee includes handout, heddles, supplementary heddles and thread for additional colors if needed.