As weaving guild and ANWG members we have had numerous resources for learning our craft. The Seattle and Whidbey guilds have been blessed with the Bateman collection at our fingertips. Some of the most nationally known and respected instructors call the Northwest home. Through conferences and workshops both in person and online we have been able to experience new techniques and learn from teachers, guild members and friends. From these Weaving Webs we have absorbed information, inspiration and innovation which we now use for the art and craft we create. Share the results of your artistic journey with us in this weaving webs juried show.
Exhibit will be displayed between June 19 and June 21, 2025

Madelyn van der Hoogt has graciously agreed to jury the show. She is the founder and principal instructor at the Weavers’ School.
Madelyn van der Hoogt has been weaving and teaching and writing about weaving for over forty years. She was editor of Prairie Wool Companion, Weaver’s, and Handwoven Magazines, author of The Complete Book of Drafting, and she currently teaches at the Weavers’ School in Coupeville, Washington.
Eligibility Requirements
- Entries will be accepted between February 1 and April 25, 2025.
- Entry fee is $15.00 US and must accompany the online entry.
- Entries will be accepted only from ANWG guild members, or affiliate members of ANWG. Entrants are responsible for getting their entry to and from the conference but do not need to be a conference attendee. Entries from instructors are only eligible for the Instructor show.
- Twenty-five possible awards will be given for weaving excellence that continues or expands the interlacement traditions of ANWG. Awards will be given based upon fiber, number of harnesses or loom, a skillful use of color and surface design in a fabric, garment, accessory or home furnishing.
- Collaborations are encouraged. If more than one person collaborated on a single item, all parties must be acknowledged.
Acceptable Entries
- Entry must be original and have been completed within the last 2 years. An original creation is defined as the manipulation of a draft, pattern or design or its color way with or without other fiber or surface design alterations. Credit your source of inspiration and be specific if it is from an unaltered draft or pattern. Example: Draft from handwoven.net #63438.
- An artist or group may enter more than one piece, but only one item will be accepted into the show. A garment may not be entered simultaneously in both the fashion and juried shows. If not accepted into the juried show an artist or group may choose to exhibit the entry in the open show.
- Entry may be
- Any interlaced art form including handwoven yardage, garments or accessory such as scarves, jewelry, hats, belts or handbags.
- Woven home decor as linens, rugs, blankets or throws, upholstery fabric, wall art or objets d’art.
- Composed of any natural plant or animal fiber either handspun or commercially made fsuch as linen, flax, wool or silk as well as leather, metal, paper, plastic or recycled fabric.
- Patterned by dye or felt with or without any other added surface embellishments.
Entry Procedure
- Entry fee per item is $15.00 US and must accompany the online entry form available February 1, 2025.
- Complete Online Entry form with images and full description.
- Entry must be accompanied by a photo in pdf or jpeg format with dimensions. Images must be clear and of good quality. If the images are not acceptable, entrant may be asked to resubmit or be rejected. Refer to the article in the Sept/Oct 2023 issue of Handwoven by Kelly Casanova or a summary of that article by Gretchen Schlomann of Whidbey Weavers Guild) on the Working with Photos page.
- Entry should also include a description in 200 words or less of the piece and what inspired its creation. This description along with a photo or other identifier will be displayed upon a conference website and linked by a QR code only available at the conference.
- Entry form including acceptable image, description and $15 fee must be received by April 25, 2025.
- Entrants will receive acceptance into the juried exhibit by May 15, 2025. Those not accepted may send a request to exhibit in the open show no later than one week later, May 22, 2025, to juriedshow@anwgconference.org.
- Entrants are responsible for getting entry to and from the ANWG conference. Entries maybe either mailed (shipped) or hand-delivered.
- MAIL or SHIP your item via UPS or USPS to the address on the form. Entry must be sent to the address on the entry form and must be received no later than June 5, 2025. A prepaid return label for your preferred method of shipment must be included.
- Hand deliver your item directly to the conference between 4PM Monday, June 16, 2025 and 5PM Wednesday, June 18, 2025 to a TBD location. Bring your entry with a paper copy of your entry form. Entries not received by that time shall not be hung nor will an entry fee be refunded. If entry should be returned via USPS or UPS a prepaid label must be included with entry.
- Entries will be returned to you or your designated party on the last day of the conference between 6PM and 10 PM Saturday June 21 at a TBD location. Later pickups (if any) TBD. To have entry returned via mail or UPS arrangements must be made prior to start of conference.