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The Webs We Wear Fashion Show

The Fashion Show Committee is delighted you are considering entering the 2025 Weaving Webs Fashion Show. We will have fun and provide a positive experience to everyone who enters. Please review the following information carefully. Your questions may be answered here by referring to these links:

How to Enter the Fashion Show

Application Process
Eligibility Requirements
Entry Form

Fashion Team

First, make sure you and your article are eligible. Then complete the online application form. It is recommended that you review the form before attempting to complete it. The entry fee of $15.00 USD per item can be paid online or via check. Lastly, photos of your entry need to be submitted before the submission deadline expires.

The deadline for applications is May 1, 2025. Accepted garments will be modeled in the Fashion Show on Thursday evening, June 19, 2025.

The Application Process

Each application has two parts. Your application will be considered after we have received both components:

  1. Entry Form
    Complete the online entry form for each entry, up to three entries. A copy will automatically be sent to your email address. For each entry, include up to five images in JPG format in the Photo Submission form at the end of the Entry Form. Each photo should be no more than 5 mb in size. If you need help taking or resizing your photos you can refer to our Working With Photos page. (Alternatively, send them by email or thumb drive.) Submit a front view, back view, and one to three detail views of each piece. Name your images in the following sample format:
  2. Entry Fee
    A non-refundable fee of $15.00 U.S. must accompany each online entry.  


January 21, 2025     Committee starts accepting applications for entry.
May 1, 2025              Application components due (entry form, fee and photos).
May 11, 2025            Committee notifies you of its decision by this date.
May 30, 2025           Accepted garments due. (Individual details will be sent to your email.)

Contact Information

Mimi Anderson & Marise Person, Fashion Show Co-Chairs
3602 N Narrows Dr, Unit 6A, Tacoma, WA 98407 USA

Eligibility Requirements

  • To enter you must be a member in good standing of an affiliated ANWG guild, or an individual affiliate member of ANWG, but you do not need to attend the conference.
  • If an entry is the work of more than one person, each individual must be a member of an affiliated ANWG guild and each person must be named in the application.
  • Entries must adhere to the following criteria: Be substantially handwoven, with the fiber of your choice; or be hand-felted, with the fiber of your choice; or if knit or crocheted, be made of handspun yarn.
  • Any article of clothing or fashion accessory for men, women, or children is acceptable. Please enter scarves in the Open or Juried show as these are not runway items.
  • Individuals are limited to three entries in the Fashion Show. A single entry may have multiple parts, e.g., a coat, skirt, and handbag to match. Two jackets, which would not be worn as a single outfit, would require two entry forms.
  • Each entry must be original and have been completed between June 2023 and April 2025.  Original creation is defined as the artist’s manipulation of a draft or pattern, colorway changes, or other alterations to the original draft or pattern.  If the draft or pattern from another artist was unaltered, that artist must be given acknowledgement.  No unchanged items from workshop instructions will be considered.
  • Work executed under current classroom/educational guidance or supervision is eligible ONLY as a Spontaneous Entry. This means that following the show, you will come up wearing your garment with a card to be read describing your garment. These entries will not be eligible for awards or display.
  • The item must not have been previously exhibited in a regional or national conference or publication but may have been shown at a guild or community event.
  • Items received that are not as shown in the photographs submitted with the entry form will not be accepted.

The Fashion Show Committee may refuse entries due to time and space considerations. The committee reserves the right to accept or decline any entry as an article of clothing or accessory.

Fashion Show Awards

Jenni Jimmerson, Awards Judge; Linda Stryker, Commentator

  • Best in Show
  • Best garment made of handwoven fabric with 4 shafts or fewer
  • Best garment made of handwoven fabric with more than 4 shafts
  • Best garment made with felted fabric
  • Best garment made with handspun yarn
  • Best Handwoven Shawl
  • Best shawl knitted with handspun yarn
  • Best garment construction
  • Best Overall Garment Design
  • Most innovative garment (unusual materials, structure, color and/or design)
  • Best interpretation of conference theme, “Weaving Webs
  • Best use of color
  • Judge’s Choice
  • Committee’s choice

The Fashion Show Team

Jenni Jimmerson, Awards Judge

Jenni Jimmerson has been creating handwoven wearable garments for over forty-five years.  Her attention to the details of garment construction, and to how the garment fits are unmatched.

My experience with weaving, sewing and designing garments started probably in the 90’s.  This adventure originated with wanting to create one of a kind wearable clothing.  Over the years I have taken workshops to improve my tailoring skills on handwoven fabrics from Heather Winslow and Daryl Lancaster and probably others.  I feel these are two of the best for attention to detail in construction, fitting and finishing.  When creating a garment, I am likely to use certain sections of various patterns to accomplish an interesting piece from the handwoven cloth, so I appreciate creativity.  

When ANWG was in Bellingham, I was part of the committee to receive, review and accept or decline the entries in the Fashion Show.  We also choose the models from friends and guild members.  Some garments were modeled by their weaver.  It was a very successful show.

The job of being a judge on handwoven garments with what I have learned over the years will be a wonderful experience.  I look forward to being able to pass on some of what I have learned to others so they may benefit from suggestions and comments.  

Linda Stryker, Commentator

Linda first learned to weave in 1987 after buying a loom in Gig Harbor.  She mostly weaves “straight things” that don’t need sewing, and she teaches beginning weaving at the Southeast Seattle Senior Center.

Committee Co-Chairs

Mimi Anderson & Marise Person

Mimi and Marise have teamed up again, following the 2009 Conference Fashion Show in Spokane.  We look forward to making it happen again.

Ready to apply?

    Complete and submit this form to enter a garment in the Fashion Show. See the Fashion Show page to review Eligibility Requirements. Applications will be accepted from January 21, 2025 through May 1, 2025, and are limited to three entries per person. A non-refundable fee of $15.00 U.S. must accompany each entry. Accepted garments will be modeled in the Fashion Show at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 19, 2025. Models will be the makers themselves, their designees, or volunteers.

    It is recommended that you review all the questions before filling out the form. This will help ensure that you have the information available and prevent you from having to fill out the form multiple times before submitting your application. Required responses are indicated by an asterisk and pertain to every entry. Because the remaining questions cover many types of fiber and garment construction, some of them may not pertain to your project. It is very important that you answer every question relevant to your entry, and describe the garment in detail. The information you provide will be used with the photos you send to evaluate your application. It will also be used in the Fashion Show narrative.

    Person Entering

    Your name (required)

    Your email (required)

    Your Address including Street, City, State/Province, Zip/Postal Code (required)

    Phone Number (required)

    Your Guild Affiliation (required)

    The Garment

    Name or description of garment. For example, Green Jacket (required)

    Made for: (required)

    Size: (required)

    Fabric Information

    Check all that apply

    What is the fabric construction? (required)

    If other, please describe.

    If woven, describe the structure of the woven fabric and number of shafts used. What type of loom was used?

    If woven, what yarn types and sizes were used for warp and weft? What was your sett?

    For handspun yarns, describe the fiber content, fiber processing, and spinning techniques used. (For example, woolen, worsted.)

    If the garment was constructed by knitting, crocheting, or finger weaving, describe the type of construction and stitches used. For example, gauge, cables, intarsia, lace, sprang.

    Describe any special treatments, such as dyeing, felting, surface design, etc. If the fiber was dyed by the artist, what dye was used?

    How was the textile finished? For example, steaming, wet-finishing, etc.

    Were there any challenges involved in creating the textile for the garment? Please describe.

    Garment Design

    Describe construction of garment. Did you use any tailoring, shaping, or couture techniques?

    Describe any interfacing, lining, and/or underlining fabric.

    Describe any special surface features such as closures, embellishments, embroidery, beading, painting, or printing, etc.

    If a published garment pattern was used, please enter the name of the artist or pattern number and company here.

    Were there any challenges when making your textile into a finished garment?


    Many entries are collaborations between people with different skills. Did you do all the designing, weaving, sewing, finishing, and embellishing yourself? Did someone else do some of those things? If the article is the result of collaboration, name the collaborators, including yourself, name their guild affiliations, and describe their contributions.

    Collaborator 1 name, guild affiliation, and contribution to the project:

    Collaborator 2 name, guild affiliation, and contribution to the project:

    Collaborator 3 name, guild affiliation, and contribution to the project:

    Collaborator 4 name, guild affiliation, and contribution to the project:

    Collaborator 5 name, guild affiliation, and contribution to the project:


    Who do you wish to model the garment? (required)

    If designee, please provide their name and cell phone #.

    Cell Phone Number:


    Attach up to 5 photos. For each entry, include up to five images in JPG format in the Photo Submission form at the end of the Entry Form. Each photo should be no more than 5 mb in size. For help working with photos see our Working with Photos page. Submit a front view, back view, and one to three detail views of each piece. Name your images in the following sample format:

    Garment Return

    Please select how you would like the garment returned to you. (required)
    I will pick up my entries in the display area after the Fashion Show display closes on Saturday, June 21.I designate a representative to pick up my entries in the display area after the Fashion Show display closes on Saturday, June 21.I request that the Fashion Show Committee re-package and ship my entries. I will enclose with my entries a prepaid return shipping label.

    If a designee will pickup the garment, please provide their name and cell phone #.


    Cell Phone Number:

    Final Submission

    To apply for the 2025 ANWG Conference Fashion Show, submit the application form and complete the application process by paying the $15 entry fee by the May 1, 2025 deadline.

    By clicking Submit to complete your entry you agree to the following: Entering the 2025 ANWG Conference Fashion Show gives the Association of Northwest Weavers’ Guilds (ANWG) and the 2025 Conference Committee permission to photograph the garments and publish the photos on websites. Insurance for items submitted to the 2025 ANWG Conference Fashion Show will not be provided by ANWG or the ANWG 2025 Conference Committee. Exhibitor is responsible for insuring their own work. Exhibitor agrees to hold harmless the Seattle Weavers Guild, ANWG, and the Yakima Valley Visitors and Convention Bureau for any damage claims to or loss of clothing, artwork, and/or craft incurred while demonstrating or exhibiting at the 2025 ANWG Conference.

    Entry Fee

    Pay your entry fee here. The fee is $15 per entry.