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Supported Spindling 

You spin to relax, right? Well come learn the ultimate relaxing way to spin, SUPPORTED SPINDLING! You can do it with your feet up, lying in bed, or even while driving (well not anymore with the new distracted driving law). Did you know any fiber can be spun on a support spindle?

In this class the instructor will give you a wealth of information on supported spindling and will take you step by step through the process of spinning on a support spindle. And yes, you will have the hang of it before our time is up. You will also have the chance to try different types of spindles, bowls, and fiber.

Instructor: Teresa Waldo
Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Categories: Spinning

Supplies that students will bring: Bring a support spindle and bowl if you have them. Otherwise instructor has some you can use during class.
Material Fee: $15
Materials Included: The material fee provides for an extensive handout and fiber packet.