Registration is open!!
Click here to Register Now
This page provides a more detailed look at the registration system, so you’ll be ready when you log in to register.

The top of the page has general conference information including the dates and location, and a link where you can contact the conference registrar.
To begin, enter your email address and click continue.
Step 1 – About You
The “About You” section has your basic contact information and your guild affiliation (if any). Be sure to fill in all the required items which are marked with the red *. For your password, just create a simple one with numbers and letters, no symbols.

If you are registering for some else, enter their information in the About You section. Then enter your email address to receive copies of the registrant’s messages:

Please note: when paying for their registration in PayPal, the payment needs to belong to the registrant or it will be rejected.
Step 2 – Volunteer, Demonstration, and Conference Package
Next, tell us if you’re interested in Volunteering, Demonstrating, and if you are registering for the Conference Package. Once you have said yes to the Conference Package a blue dial will circle as it updates the page.

Step 3 – Sessions
By selecting “Yes” to the Conference Package, the Sessions panel opens. The Conference Package includes admission to all three evening events. If you decide you don’t want to attend an event, beginning March 31, you may edit your registration and de-select the event. (You will still be registered for the conference package.)

Step 4 – Seminars
The Conference Package includes 3 seminars held on Friday and Saturday mornings and afternoons. If a session you want is full, being on the wait list does not count as one of your seminar choices. Select your alternate choices, in addition to adding yourself to the wait list for your top choices. You will be contacted if a space opens up.

Step 5 – Workshops
To select Workshops, click on the plus sign before each type to view and select them. If a session you want is full, select your alternate choice in addition to adding yourself to the wait list for your top choice. You will be contacted if a space opens up.

For Meetings, select those you plan to attend.
If you are participating in the Towel Exchange, select it and follow the link to the website. Please note, when you select or deselect the towel exchange the blue dial will appear and it moves you either up or down in the registration form, just navigate back to it.

Step 6 – Banquet Choices
Next you will be asked to enter your Saturday Evening Banquet meal preferences:

Step 7 – Calculate Order
Once you’ve made your selections the Calculate Order button will be flashing red. Click it to see your full list of sessions.

After calculating your order, your full schedule appears.

Step 8 – Agreement with the Cancellation Policy and Submit Registration
Once you’ve have read and agree with the Cancellation Policy (select the Yes box), click Submit your Registration which will proceed to payment. If you have any problems with PayPal see the help file here.

If you are concerned about timing out or power blips or an unreliable internet connection during your registration session, you can click on the “Calculate Order” button to stay active in the system. This doesn’t save your information; if you close the tab without submitting, your changes will be discarded.
When you have made all of your selections you click the “Submit Registration” button at the very end of the registration form. If you’ve already registered and have made changes then click the “Submit Changes to Registration” button, also at the very end of the registration form. This is when the system will detect and report errors, such as passwords that don’t match or timing conflicts. When you submit your registration, the system will take you to the credit card payment system if you have a balance due. You can go back to the registration system as often as you want to make changes, additions, and deletions.
Individual session changes and cancellations can be done on the registration website, but full cancellations cannot be processed online. If you need to cancel all of your conference purchases, please email the Registrar at For information about refunds please see the conference Cancellation Policy – ANWG 2025 Conference.
Conflict Blocking and Waitlisting
You cannot be enrolled simultaneously in two open sessions scheduled for the same day and time. You are allowed to select an OPEN seminar and a FULL seminar in the same day and time slot. You will be enrolled in the open seminar. You will be added to the waitlist for the full seminar. Waitlisted seminars do not count toward the Conference package three seminar maximum. You cannot select one open session and two Full/waitlist sessions in the same day/time slot.
Waitlisting and conflict blocking rules work the same for workshops except there is no maximum limit on workshops. The limit will be determined by conflict blocking.
The “Conflicting Choices” warning appears at the head of the sessions screen. The warning flashes. Conflicting choices means you have picked two or more open sessions in the same day/time slot. The warning message is misleading. All your selected sessions will display but they may not be highlighted. You must review all the selected sessions and determine which one(s) you are willing to deselect.