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Less Than Four: Vacant-Hole Tablet Weaving Techniques

Using fewer than four threads per tablet, a technique dating back to the Hallstatt culture (c. 1500BCE), allows the weaver more flexibility in design, produces a less bulky band, and requires that the weaver have a good working knowledge of how tablet weaving works. In this workshop we will survey the range of vacant-hole techniques historically available to the weaver, examine the variables which control tablet weaving, and weave both a three-thread and a two-thread sample band. We will also discuss and practice both warping and drafting for the two techniques. Students will receive an extensive handout, including information on many of the techniques surveyed.

We will be working in the backstrap method. If you have a portable warp-weighted tablet weaving loom, feel free to bring it. Due to the differences between historical and modern tablet weaving please do not bring an inkle loom. If you have concerns about weaving backstrap, feel free to contact me at

Instructor: Kris Leet
Duration: 3 day
Level: Intermediate, Advanced. Students should already be familiar with tablet weaving, having independently woven bands in at least two different techniques.
Categories: Tablet Weaving

Supplies that students will bring:

  • Scissors
  • A belt long enough to go loosely around the hips
  • A shuttle and a beater (or combination)
  • A magnetic board with magnets to hold drafts.
  • Students may bring a portable warp-weighted loom and weights if desired.

Material Fee: $30
Materials Included: Material fee includes tablets, thread, and other required supplies.