We hope your guild is considering having a booth at the 2025 conference!
The conference is being held at the Yakima Convention Center June 16 – 21, and the theme is “Weaving Webs” – Information, Inspiration and Innovation. “Weaving Webs” represents the cloth we weave and the relationships we develop during the course of our creative life. Guilds are so important in nurturing these “Webs” and having a booth is such a great way to share your guild’s personality and expertise to both the public and ANWG membership.
The conference colors are listed in detail on the website here. This includes color numbers for yarns from Valley Yarns, WEBS, Maurice Brassard, Yarn Barn of Kansas, and Lunatic Fringe.
The booths will be in the ballroom of the convention center along with the juried and instructor’s shows. The vendors will be on the other side of the ballroom. The booths will be 10’x10’ with 8’ black drapes, a draped table if you want, but there will be no power outlet available. The floor has a carpet that is in shades of gray with bright yellow/gold accents.
The booth awards are as follows:
- Best in Show
- Best interpretation of Conference Theme
- Best interpretation of Conference Colors
- Most Creative
- Best booth by a guild less than 30 members
- Judge’s Choice
- People’s Choice
- Best Collaboration – This could be between members or between guilds – however you would like to interpret it!
We hope this information helps and that you will consider having a guild booth at the conference. The application to reserve a booth space at the conference is below. As of now there will be 20 spaces available. Please reserve a booth space soon so you will be assured of a space.
If you have questions you can contact Pam Cox, Guild Booths Chair, at guilds@anwgconference.org.
Sorry, but there are no more guild booth spaces available.
Donate Now
Each conference gives awards to outstanding entries in the fashion show, juried show, open exhibits, and guild booth displays. Many of these awards are made possible by donations from ANWG member guilds. We are now soliciting cash donations to be awarded to winning entries.
No matter the amount, we deeply appreciate your help in supporting our conference. We are doing everything we can to educate and grow our craft, while sharing our love of fiber arts with others. If you’d like more information contact us at co-chair@anwgconference.org. You may contact our treasurer, Angelique Penaflor, at treasurer@anwgconference.org for information on financial donations. Both the Association of Northwest Weavers’ Guilds (ANWG) and the Seattle Weavers Guild, the conference sponsor, are not-for-profit organizations.
(NOTE: Credit card payments are processed by PayPal, but a PayPal account is not required. Just click “Pay with Debit or Credit Card” on the first screen, and disable the option to “Save info & create your PayPal account” after entering your card information.)