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Drafting New Structures for Parallel Weaves 

Typically, parallel threadings have been used with a narrow range of weave structures – echo weave, double weave, warp-faced compound tabby (aka Jin or turned taqueté), shadow and rep weave, and turned-tie weaves. I have discovered hundreds of novel structures which can be used in double two-tie (D2T) threadings. Many of these novel structures show interesting and dramatic color effects when used in parallel threadings and treadlings.

I will describe and demonstrate how these novel structures were discovered, how they are characterized, and how to use them in weaving drafts. Then I will discuss how to determine which structures show color effects when used in parallel threadings and treadlings, and how to draft these effects in the tie-up. Many woven samples will be available to examine.

Instructor: Linda Schultz
Level: Intermediate
Categories: Weaving

Supplies that students will bring: Note-taking materials.
Optional – Laptop with weaving software preloaded (for anyone who wishes to draft tie-ups with assistance)
Material Fee: $5
Materials Included: The material fees covers the class handouts.