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Designing Plaited Twills on Double Two-Tie Threadings 

Double two-tie (D2T) threadings*, which require only two shafts for each twill block, instead of the four shafts per block used in traditional twill threadings, are an attractive option for weaving elaborate twill designs using fewer shafts. I have developed a different way of drafting D2T tie-ups, so that designs can be created and modified directly in the tie-ups without the need for the keys or templates used in the traditional method for drafting D2T. I will describe my method for drafting designs using D2T threadings, then demonstrate the process for drafting plaited twill and twill block designs in detail.

Participants will be led through hands-on exercises to draft their own designs on six to eight shafts using weaving software. Then they will learn how to change their drafts from a 1/3 to a 3/1 or 2/2 twill, expand the designs to more than eight shafts, and be shown other uses for D2T twill designs (such as multi-tie designs and double-diagonal twills).

*Double two-tie threadings use two tie-down shafts (T1, T2) alternating with two pattern shafts (P1, P2) in a T1, P1, T2, P2 arrangement. The tie-down shafts are the same from block to block, while the pattern shafts change from block to block. An example of a double two tie threading on eight shafts is block A (1, 3, 2, 4), block B (1, 5, 2, 6) and block C (1, 7, 2, 8).

Instructor: Linda Schultz
Level: Intermediate
Categories: Weaving

Supplies that students will bring: Laptop preloaded with weaving software. Students can use a demo version of software such as Fiberworks if they don’t own weaving software.
Material Fee: $5
Materials Included: The material fees covers the class handouts.