Allison Harding (aka Fleebers) still remembers the pattern for her first knitting project at age 7; an orange acrylic scarf! It took over a year to finish but began a lifetime love of all things fibery. She is now an award winning fiber artist who knits, crochets, weaves, felts, dyes, cards, spins, sews, and more. If it’s fiber related, she’s either tried it or it’s on her bucket list.
While working as a Registered Nurse and moonlighting as a costume designer for Studio East School for Performing Arts, Allison fell in love with teaching. She shares those skills and love of design in her articles and patterns published by KnitPicks, Cascade Yarns, Skacel, Knit Circus, Loose Threads and the book “Simple Hip Knit Scarves”. Allison is an NWSFA Certified FIber Arts Judge who is passionate about education. She strives to explain not only the how, but the why of everything she does in fun and innovative ways to meet individual learning styles.
Allison loves ALL the colors and playing with pointy sticks.
Beyond Braids: Spinning Magic (1 Day)
Blending Board Magic (1 Day)
Color Theory for Fiber Artists
Needle Felt Spring Eggs
Spinning the New Fibers
Stained Glass Coasters Needle Felting Tapestry Style
Spinning, Color Theory, Felting
Website: None