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Getting Unstuck with Tablet Weaving 

Have you tried tablet weaving – maybe you took a class once, or bought a book- but found yourself stuck in some way, uncertain how to proceed? Maybe you don’t have a loom, or the loom you have doesn’t work for you? Maybe you found a pattern you like, but you don’t understand the notation it uses? Whatever your question is, this seminar aims to get you “unstuck”. Though we won’t be weaving in this class, this interactive discussion and demonstration we will cover several topics that are essential to tablet weaving success.

The first half of the class will be about equipment, with a focus on loom options. We will discuss the various types of tablet weaving looms, and how to find what works for you. The second half will be about weaving mechanics, with a focus on how to interpret the sometimes contradictory notations found in different pattern sources. Students are encouraged to bring their own questions and patterns that are challenging them.

Instructor: Stacy Schlutsmeyer
Level: All
Categories: Tablet Weaving

Supplies that students will bring: Note taking materials
Material Fee: $5
Materials Included: The material fee covers the class handouts.