Entries are closed for the Juried Show. Now’s the time to start thinking about that incredible item you are going to submit to the juried show. From past conferences, we know that there are exceptional fiber artists in the Northwest, and this is the perfect venue for you to showcase your work. Our theme is Fiber Connections which reads: “Fiber Connections celebrates all the connections that are made as a result of the coming together of fibers and people”. Show us what that means to you!

Eligibility Requirements
- Entries were accepted between January 16, 2023 and May 1, 2023.
- Entries will be accepted only from ANWG guild members, or affiliate members of ANWG, and you must be attending the conference to enter this show/exhibit.
- 25 awards will be given.
- Entry fee per item is $15.00 US and must accompany the online entry available January 15, 2023.
- There are 18 categories to choose from in weaving, spinning and the “ever-popular ‘Other’ category” so you have no excuse!
- All items must be original and have been completed within the past 2 years. Original creation is defined as the artist’s manipulation of a draft or pattern, colorway changes, or other alterations to the original draft or pattern. If the draft or pattern from another artist was unaltered, that artist must be given acknowledgement. No unchanged items from workshop instructions will be considered.
- Collaborations are accepted.
- The deadline for receipt of your entry form was May 1, 2023. You have two options for getting your item to the show. Both of these options require your online entry form to be received by May 1. Once accepted you either:
- Mail your item to the address on the form. It must be received no later than 2 weeks after the acceptance email goes out.
- Bring your item to the conference with a paper copy of your entry form. In the acceptance email, there will be instructions on when and where to drop off your item. It must be received by Noon on Wednesday, June 14 so we can have the show set up for opening at Noon on Thursday, June 15.
- Entries must be picked up on Sunday June 18th between 7 –11:30 AM by you or your designated party at the Riverhouse Hotel Exhibit.
- Photos must be submitted via email in JPG format. Each photo should be no more than 5 mb in size. If you need help resizing your photos you can refer to our Resizing Photos page.
Show Process
Susan Wilson, the juror, will review all submitted entries and make a decision in early May. All participants will be notified via email of the juror’s selections. If you have been juried in, you will mail the item to Cindy Fowler no later than May 20, 2023. Mailing address and instructions will be provided via email.
25 Juried Show Awards
Susan Wilson, Juror
- Best in Show
- People’s Choice
- Judge’s Choice
- Collaborative
- Skein – spindle spun
- Skein – wheel spun
- Wearables
- For the Home
- Best Interpretation of conference theme
- Best Interpretation of conference colors
- Woven on 4 or fewer
- Woven on more than 4
- Wearables
- For the Home
- Wall Hangings
- Best Interpretation of conference theme
- Best Interpretation of conference colors
- Complex Weaver’s Award
- Felting
- Dyeing
- Basketry
- Tapestry
- Wearable
- Best Interpretation of conference theme
- Best Interpretation of conference colors
Application Process
The application period runs through May 1, 2023. Just complete the online application form, pay the entry fee, and submit photos of your work. It’s recommended that you review the application form before attempting to complete it. The entry fee of $15.00 USD per item can be paid online or via check made payable to “Weaving Guilds of Oregon” with 2023 Conference Juried Show Entry in the notation line at the bottom of the check.
We look forward to seeing your talent and to recognize your efforts.
Ready to apply?
Sorry, the deadline for application was May 1.