Conference Updates, See You Soon !
The Conference Week Schedule is online, please review it as you make your travel and conference plans. It contains the hours the Registration Desk is open each day in the Riverhouse Convention Center lobby. A copy of the weeks’ schedule will be in your conference booklet. A copy of your schedule will be in your registration packet.  Maps are also available on the website that show the entire Riverhouse complex, the hotel, the convention center, both main floor and exhibit hall lower level; Deschutes N & S rooms, and the 3 Sisters 2 classrooms. These maps can be downloaded and printed.
Volunteers: Please look out for an email from Michelle Lee in the next few days regarding your volunteer activities. There will be instructions for the job and where to check in before your shift. Thanks again to everyone who signed up for a shift or two. It definitely takes a village to put on a conference!
Workshops & Seminars – Q: How do I know what to bring for my workshop/seminar?  Will the instructors be emailing us with details? A: Each workshop and seminar description on the website lists the materials and equipment items that students need to bring, as well as the materials fee and details.  Materials fees will be collected by the instructor during class please bring cash.
Students in on-loom weaving classes have already been notified of warping instructions. If you have not received warping information from the instructor, please email Ginger Kaldenbach, Education Co-chair.
Registration closed May 22nd and all instructors now have complete lists of students. Instructors with additional instructions will be emailing students by June 3rd. Please let the instructor know that you’ve received their emails.
A list of workshops and seminars that will be available for late enrollment beginning June 11 is now available on the Late Enrollment page.
Classrooms in the Convention Center bldg. are the Boardroom, Cascade A-J, Exhibit Hall (lower level) inside and outside on the patio, and the Cascade Garden outdoor tented area for John Marshall and Julie Beeler’s workshop. Demonstrations will be in the Cascade Garden tent on Friday and Saturday. See the Maps online.
Classrooms in the Riverhouse hotel bldgs. across the street from the Convention Center, are Deschutes N and S, Monday-Wed. This room is located in the main hotel lobby bldg. behind the restaurant. Beginning Thursday Noon – Saturday at 5 PM the Juried Show, Instructor’s Show, Open Show, and Conference Colors Exhibit will be in the Deschutes rooms. 3 Sisters B & C classrooms are located in the Sagebrush bldg. across the Deschutes River from the restaurant/lobby bldg. Accessible via a foot bridge from the restaurant deck, or from the Sagebrush bldg. parking lot, north end. See the Maps online.
All classrooms at the Riverhouse hotel and Convention Center will be open daily at 7:30 AM. The rooms and convention center entrance will be closed and locked at different times during the week to accommodate the exhibit hall set up as well as the evening events Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Monday and Tuesday the classrooms and convention center will be closed at 6 PM. For arrivals on Sunday, June 11, the Convention Center, Sisters B & C, and Deschutes N & S will be open from Noon – 8 PM for loom/equip./supplies drop offs.
The Element Hotel classroom will open at 8:30 AM each day and locked at 5 PM, Monday-Thursday with Linda Kubik’s workshops. The address is 1526 NW Wall Street, Bend. This hotel is approx. 1.3 miles south of the Riverhouse complex, and 4 blocks north of the core area of downtown Bend. This hotel does not have a restaurant on site, but snacks and drinks are available for purchase in the lobby. There are no hotel shuttles and students are responsible for their own transportation. See if you and your classmates can carpool.
Fashion Show entries are to be brought to Karen Sieradski’s room at the Riverhouse. Those entering garments in the show will receive an email message with her room number on Sunday, June 11. If you missed the email, send a text message to Karen at 541-914-8454. Please bring your garments as early in the week as possible, thank you.
Fashion Show models are asked to review their assigned garments before the show. Garments will be delivered during the week to Karen Sieradski’s room at the Riverhouse. Models will receive an email message with her room number on Sunday, June 11. If you missed the email, send a text message to Karen at 541-914-8454 to make arrangements.
Open Show entries can be dropped off Wednesday with Anne Kramer and her committee in the Deschutes S room of the Riverhouse hotel between 8 AM-4 PM.
Conference Colors Exhibit entries can be dropped off with Catherine Cooley on Sunday, June 11 in the Riverhouse Convention Center Lobby from Noon- 4 PM. They can also be dropped off with Diana Purkey on Monday and Tuesday at the Info Desk in the Lobby from 8-10 AM, or 4-5 PM.
Meals during Conference Week are on your own. The Riverhouse has a large, nice restaurant, Currents, with inside and outside seating on the deck next to the Deschutes River. They also have a separate bar area. Reservations are necessary at all restaurants in Bend for dinner during the summer. Breakfast and lunches can usually be drop in but inquire at the restaurant if they take reservations for those meals as well. We are going to talk to the managers at nearby restaurants next week and let them know that we will have 400-500 Conference attendees in town for the week and they should expect to be busy. We will also see if any of them can or will have quick to-go food available; salads, sandwiches, etc. and we will let you know. Blogs will be posted Monday, June 12 at 7 AM, and daily thereafter through Saturday, June 17. We have met with and emphasized the full restaurant scenario to all the Riverhouse management team this past week. Lunch breaks are 1.5 hours Monday-Thursday and 1 hour Friday and Saturday. There is a WinCo grocery store about a ½ mile north of the Riverhouse complex. Review the Conference Week Schedule for times and locations of all events; we’ll see you soon, safe travels.