Thank You Fiber Connections Conference Attendees and Sponsors
We hope you all are home now and getting some rest. It was quite a week of activities, learning, gathering with friends, and shopping! The Weaving Guilds of Oregon would like to thank all of you who participated in some part of the conference in Bend. We had attendees from all over the US and Canada. It was a wonderful experience to see all of you in the ballroom for two nights enjoying our banquet and keynote speaker, Jeanne Carver, and the fabulous fashion show and Noh coat parade.
A special thank you to all who volunteered some time during the week to help make the conference run smoothly. Vendors are particularly appreciative of all the help they received with unloading and loading out again from the Marketplace. We had lots of hands to help unload cars into the Convention Center and Deschutes rooms during the week. It makes conference attendance and loom moving a lot easier when we all have another hand to help out. Thank you so much.
Another huge thank you to all the guilds who donated to sponsor the show cash awards. And special thanks to vendors who donated door prizes. Lots of contributions made it fun.
The 2023 Conference website will migrate to the ANWG website we’ll provide an update there when that happens. Dan will also add something to the 2023 conference website when we get the 2025 site started. You can find ANWG at https://northwestweavers.org
We did end up with what we believe is one of the red wagon fold-up cart pouches in lost and found, unclaimed. If it is yours, please email Linda Gettmann at lindag@bendbroadband.com and we’ll make arrangements to get it back to you.
I washed four soiled aprons in warm water and then dried in a med. dryer. They shrank about 1” all the way around when I laid one on top of a non-washed apron. So you might try cold water wash and air dry if you don’t want any shrinkage. They are still just fine, need ironing, but will be good as new once I do that ~~ Linda
We are working on an evaluation form and will have that emailed out to all attendees and also appreciate private comments.
If you have more photos of the conference events and classes, please post them to the website here Conference Photo Submissions . And the conference photo gallery can be found here Conference Photo Gallery.
Check the breaking news section on the home page for the listing of award winners.
See you all at the Washington Conference in 2025!