Sponsored by Saturday Handweavers Guild and Rogue Valley Handweavers

The towel exchange is one of those events that is looked forward to by many attendees, with towel weaving beginning months in advance of the event. Consider making a unique towel for the exchange and take a special towel made by a fellow weaver home with you. You must be in attendance to participate. Drop-off will be in the Convention Center Lobby from Wed-Friday, then come back to pick-up one new towel on Saturday, June 17, Noon- 5 PM.
Tea Towel Exchange requirements are as follows:
- Woven with fiber of cotton, hemp, linen, cotton/linen or any other appropriate fiber for a tea towel.
- Finished (hemmed, washed, dried and pressed); finished size approx. 18”x25”; (may be a little wider and longer).
- Pattern and colors of your choice, but you are encouraged to use any or all of the Conference colors.
- Label your one towel with your name, email address, and phone number, along with your guild name and location. Also include info on the weaving draft name, source for the draft, yarn size, fiber, and sett used. This should be pinned to the tea towel when submitted.
- Click here to download a blank form.
- You will receive a numbered receipt, which will be used on Saturday to pick up your new towel.
- When towels are distributed on Saturday, participants will present their receipt.
- The towels will be distributed, using the number on the receipt to verify participants do not get their own towel back.
- Participants will not be choosing their new towel, as the process of random choice of towels will be in place.
The coordinators for this exchange are Lisa Krebs and Kamie Liston. The towels can be dropped off and exchange picked up during the Conference according to the schedule on the Conference website.