Late Enrollment is Now Open
The list of late enrollment options is available on the
 Late Enrollment page.
Problems or questions? Check the Conference FAQ page, or use the search button at the bottom of the page. Still can’t find an answer to your question? Use the Contact Us form at the bottom of this page to send us your question.
This page provides a more detailed look at the
registration system
so you’ll be ready when you log in to register.
If you pre-registered and received a confirmation email then click on the link for “Click here to view my confirmation” and from there, click on the Edit button at the top of the page.
If you pre-registered but didn’t submit the registration then the email about your incomplete registration includes a link to your confirmation page.

The top of the page has general conference information including the dates and location, and a link where you can contact the conference registrar.
To begin, you enter your email address, select your registration type and then continue.
Step 1 – About You

The “About You” section has your basic contact information and your guild affiliation (if any). Be sure to fill in all the required items which are marked with the red *. For your password, just create a simple one with numbers and letters, no symbols.
Step 2 – Volunteer, Demonstration, and Noh Coat Challenge Interest

Next, tell us if you’re interested in:
- Volunteering to help during the conference
- Demonstrating during the conference
- Taking part in the Noh Coat Challenge
Step 3 – Sessions

In the Sessions section you select workshops, seminars, events, and activities. Click the + next to any of the groupings to see the full list of items in that category.

If you registered for a Conference Package (which was available until March 20) then you’ll see that on your registration page along with the evening events. If there’s an event you won’t be able to attend, please un-select it by clicking its box.

Evening Event Tickets are listed after the Meetings and Activities. If you have a Conference Package you can sign up for tickets for family and friends. Note that there are two options for the Banquet and Keynote, one for each of the two entree choices.

If you’ll be attending the Banquet then please let us know about dietary restrictions for yourself and for other people for whom you bought tickets, using the text box after the ticket options.
After you made your selections the Tickets section at the bottom of the page shows your total cost.

Step 4 – Submitting Your Registration
If you are concerned about timing out or power blips or an unreliable internet connection during your registration session, you can click on the “Calculate Order” button to stay active in the system. This doesn’t save your information; if you close the tab without submitting your changes will be discarded.

NOTE: The “Save My Progress” functionality previously described here has been removed. It’s no longer possible to save incomplete personal information, or to select classes without paying for them. If you don’t have access to information for all of the required fields, enter LATER as the response and we’ll remind you to add it.
When you have made all of your selections you click the “Submit Registration” button at the very end of the registration form. If you’ve already registered and have made changes then click the “Submit Changes to Registration” button, also at the very end of the registration form. This is when the system will detect and report errors, such as passwords that don’t match or timing conflicts. When you submit your registration, the system will take you to the credit card payment system if you have a balance due. You can go back to the registration system as often as you want to make changes, additions, and deletions.
Individual session changes and cancellations can be done on the registration website, but full cancellations cannot be processed online. If you need to cancel all of your conference purchases please email the Registrar at For information about refunds please see the conference cancellation policy.