Participants will use three stencils to print mixed mordants, alum and iron combinations, onto cotton cloth. These three stencils are combined to form one image. The students will learn to mix, thicken, and apply the mordants. After drying, the cloth will be dunged to fix the mordants. Then the dyeing begins. When the prepared cloth is dyed in a single dyebath, it will result in a cloth with multiple colors due to the varied mordants – three colors from one dyepot. They will then learn the finishing technique to clean the background of their print.
This mordant printing process is traditionally called “The Dyed Style”.
Leader: Marilyn Robert
Duration: 1 day — This workshop is full
Level: All levels
Student supplies to bring: Note taking materials, hair dryer and extension cord, removable masking tape (blue tape), plastic spreading tool/putty knife 3” or less (inexpensive from a hardware store), gloves and apron or old shirt for dyeing
Materials Fee: $20