It takes a village, or at least two weavers brainstorming, to make one halt, take a right turn, and look at drafts and structures in a whole new light.
Just when you think you have a good handle on formulating structures, something comes up to show you how wrong you can be!
In two separate, but ultimately related incidents, and over 5 years of exploring, we discovered that it isn’t always the threading, the tie up and treadling, or the liftplan, that determine structure
The concept is fresh, explaining what is happening isn’t easy either, but watch as we change structures with very simple commands.
From double weave to Jin with different twills and basket weave; from Jin variations to summer & winter variations, and add taqueté to the mix. It’s magic!
And we are continuing to explore . . . what happens when the two separate explorations are combined?
Leader: Marg Coe
Duration:Â 2 days — Full
Level:Â Beginners to Advanced. Participants should have a rudimentary knowledge of both basic weaving terminology and computer use.
Student supplies to bring:Â Laptop computer with Fiberworks Silver installed (demo mode is sufficient), note taking supplies.
Materials Fee:Â $15