Born and raised in Bradford, Yorkshire, the center of the English worsted industry, Margaret doesn’t recall a time when weaving wasn’t part of her life. Her mother was a burler and mender, and Margaret worked in a mill. One role was to classify samples from the spinning shed—color (shades of grey) and size—a reason she finds data on mill-ends suspicious!
In the United States, with no mills in sight, she was a managerial accountant—a fortuitous decision which introduced her to computers in the early 1970s. When PCs arrived, she immediately started exploring their use in handweaving, which she had also adopted (much to the amusement of her family).
In the late 1980’s Margaret presented the first class on computers at the Weavers Guild of Minnesota. Later she studied graphic and digital design at college, including an independent study in integrating Adobe® Photoshop® with weave design. Her explorations have resulted in 4 books Fit 2 be Tied; Designing 4 the Future; 2 be Tied or Not 2 be tied; and 4-8 . . . Weave! More recently Margaret has launched online courses focusing on teaching weavers how to create their own designs. Her weaving and technology worlds united!