An inkle loom is a simple, easy to use loom for making bands and straps. Choose your favorite colors in shiny cottons, set up the loom and weave a beautiful belt. Learn to create patterning by varying the color order of the yarns. Take home a pattern for a stylin’ shopping bag you can make with your handwoven inkle bands.
Leader: Linda Hartshorn
Duration:Â 3 hours — This seminar is full
Level:Â All
Student supplies to bring:Â Inkle loom (open-sided style like Schacht or Ashford), and a belt shuttle. Please do not bring a two-sided inkle loom. I have a few extra inkle looms I can loan if I am notified in advance. Student Supply List: Scissors. 3/2 mercerized cotton if you have it on hand. I will be bringing lots of cones in a variety of colors but it is always good to have more.
Materials Fee:Â $15