One-of-a-kind handwoven garments have been Dianne Totten’s main focus with emphasis on garments using “crimp cloth,” a technique she developed and teaches nationally/internationally for guilds and conferences including Convergence. Dianne has been a weaver for 40 years and a teacher for twenty-five. Her expertise in sewing complements her passion for weaving. In addition, she enjoys creating whimsical rag rugs, placemats, wall hangings, etc. with design inlay, a fun way to use up her fabric stash. She teaches at John C. Campbell Folk School in NC as well as for guilds and regional conferences in the U.S. and Canada, and at Convergence. She has two crimp cloth DVD’s available and has been published in SS&D, Handwoven, Weavers, Complex Weavers Journal, and Vävmagasinet, as well as Catherine Ellis’ book, Woven Shibori, Revised and Updated, IP, 2016.
Website: https://diannetottenhandwovens.com