Do you want to venture outside of your fiber comfort zone in a new direction, or spice up your current work? This three-part seminar will begin with a user-friendly discussion of color theories, proportion, and coordination of design elements. We will discuss design issues you have and develop strategies to solve them. Then we will enter the world of color with a practical hands-on exercise that helps you develop color schemes, work with color values, and apply first aid to the ugliest yarn in your stash. You will leave with confidence to go beyond the recipe and develop your own personal fiber art style. All levels of experience are welcome.
- Design theories
- Proportion
- Color
- Design elements
- Exercise: designing stripes
- Solving design problems
- Color exercise using yarns
- Color combinations
- Value/contrast exercise
- How to use the ugliest yarn in your stash
Leader:Â Barbara Walker
Duration:Â 3 Hours — This seminar is full
Level:Â All
Student supplies to bring:  Email access; graph paper no smaller than 8 sq./inch; colored pencils; note-taking materials; scissors; several small amounts of solid-color yarn—butterflies, bobbin remnants, floss skeins—and a cone or skein of the ugliest yarn in your stash
Materials Fee:Â $10 for handouts