8/2 cotton is a wondrous yarn indeed! It is strong, absorbent, doesn’t wrinkle much, wears well, comes in scores of colors, and is easy to work with—from rugs to lacy weaves to knitting, and on top of all that it’s inexpensive!
This lecture will demonstrate the variety of fabrics possible using only one specific yarn—8/2 cotton. Discussion will include a brief history of cotton, including processing of cotton. There will be discussion and example pieces to show successful setts and weave structures for this yarn. Shrinkage and project planning will also be covered. Lots of examples will be available for “hands-on” inspection, ranging from rep weave suitable for rugs, to transparent lace fabric suitable for a scarf. Other samples include fabrics appropriate for table linens, clothing and home furnishings.
Leader: Mary Berent
Duration: 3 Hours
Level: All
Student supplies to bring: None
Materials Fee: $0